Friday Fictioneers: The Battle

PHOTO PROMPT – © Copyright Marie Gail Stratford
PHOTO PROMPT – © Copyright Marie Gail Stratford

“Arm yourself!” he hollered. I grabbed the biggest sword I could find. “What for, Mr Watkins?” I asked.

“Zombies, that’s what!” he cried. Of course my sword wasn’t actually a sword, but a broom handle; his was an umbrella.

The two of us, weapons in hand, swung wildly, as we chopped the heads off the zombies. When the battle ended, we celebrated.

“A round of beer for everyone” he said. Beer wasn’t really beer either, but ginger ale that my mom had set on the table in the backyard.

Later that day Mr. Watkin’s wife came and got him. Again.

This tale of bravery and senility was brought to you courtesy of Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ Friday Fictioneers. Be sure to check out the other stories at the link below.


19 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: The Battle

  1. Hey! I’m beginning to resemble that remark. 😦 As they say in the obits, (which I’m reading more often now) ‘in his 71st year’, the same as your aunt Jean.
    Catching up on a couple of other book series, I thought to start at the bottom of the Repairman Jack list, but found that local second-hand book shops almost never get them in. I guess I’ll have to pay full price, and order them through Chapters. The first of the series, written in the ’80s, was re-released a couple of years ago. Welcome back to writing. 🙂

      1. I would ask how you become aware of all these series, but – still working, and far less of a loner than me – just like this! One fella tells another fella. I’ll research these guy’s works. Thanx. 🙂

  2. I loved this story! Not only did you entertain me but you taught me that I don’t have to take everything so literally. Now I want to go fight zombies with a broomstick like the narrator. OK, I can’t shake off being literal so easily. Is Mr. Watkins a babysitter or a teacher?

  3. Sounds like a good guy to have around for the coming Zombie Apocalypse. 🙂 Love the lines with the umbrella and a broom handle and finding what weapons you can. It definitely set up an image.

  4. What a way to spend the day! Who wouldn’t have fun fighting the zombies, kid or adult? These days, zombies are very much an adult theme and on everyone’s minds. Well done.

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