The ‘F’ word and it’s effect on a 9 year old

Last evening, my lady and I were horrified. In an attempt to get the little guy to go to bed (it was way past his bedtime), he got really angry with us. His mother got angry back, to which he told his mom to ‘f*** off’ … The kid is 9, and thus far, he hasn’t even used words like ‘shit’  or ‘damn’. Some girl in his class got in trouble for beating up boys and cussing at them, I guess the whole class learned some new words from this kid, lucky them…

When I asked him what the word meant, he had no clue. We simply explained that the word meant ‘I hate you’, and after asking whether or not he hated his mother, his reply was that he loved her. Problem solved, at least until he is thirteen or so, and then explanations won’t be quite so easy.

Now to better understand why so many people use the term “Go F*** Yourself”. If you think about it, the word ‘F***” essentially means have sex. You never hear people telling anyone to ‘Go have sex with yourself”. Even funnier, imagine someone hammering their finger, and instead of uttering the ‘F’ word, they say ‘Have Sex”. This would sound a whole lot better, and probably provoke laughter, thus forgetting about hammering your finger.

If only the world would listen to the advice of a certain Sightsnbytes, the world would be a much better place to live.

One thought on “The ‘F’ word and it’s effect on a 9 year old

  1. Good point! The retort is more concerned with the effect, rather than the logic. Which is why the non-cussing population would probably tell someone to climb a tree, or some other action, which can be translated as “instead of being a pest, go find some other pointless activity to indulge in.” As pointless as hammering ones self, but less vulgar!

    Plus climbing a tree can rescue a kitten, or a kite. Which would make it useful indeed, and beneficial to all!

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