Friday Fictioneers: WHO???

PHOTO PROMPT – © Dale Rogerson
PHOTO PROMPT – © Dale Rogerson

To set the scene, Stanley and Charlene are an elderly couple living in outport Newfoundland. Stanley dropped by a local farm and picked up a live chicken, and while passing a little stream, he caught a few tiny fish.

What you got there? asked his wife.

What does it look like? he answered.

A live chicken and a few little fish?

That’s right! No more red meat or processed food for me!

What you talking about?

The WHO said that it causes cancer!

Who said it?

The WHO!

The band?

no, The Who!


The WHO, that’s who!

Stanley, I think you have finally lost it.

The World Health Organization. They said that eating processed food and red meat causes cancer.

Did you leave the door open?

Yeah, why?

I think half your supper just ran out the door…..

This little chuckle is brought to you by Friday Fictioneers. click on the little froggy (which also isn’t red meat) for more stories.


18 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: WHO???

  1. Very topical, and I like the wife’s attitude.True story: I was reading out a textbook in primary school and mentioned “The Who” just as Stanley does. The teacher burst out laughing and left me in no doubt about either the WHO or the Who (neither of whom I’d heard of before!)

  2. Reminded me of “Who’s on First.” I think they are going to hungry just eating those little fish. And since they are elderly I think they should go ahead and eat the red meat and enjoy it!

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